Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surviving Sandy

Hurricane Sandy paid us a visit yesterday.  The horses spent the majority of the day in their stalls eating all day (it's what we do, when there's nothing else to do).

This morning we woke up to very little damage, fences intact and even a bit of sun!

So Isabel, Storm and Scout (yes, we've added another new friend into the mix) played together in the main (yet muddy) pasture.

I'm happy to report, Isabel hit the brakes before reaching me- although I took no chances and stopped videoing before impact.  We weren't as lucky the other day when she greeted me excitedly in the field.  200+ pounds of baby love hitting you at a full gallop!  Learning to stop before you reach your human is a learned skill.


Isabel still sees no sense in leaving the barn.  She has a warm, fluffy bed, delicious grain, treats and a steady stream of admirers.  Why leave?  After all, she's the Queen of the castle.

But that grass does look tasty.....

Home Body

So we've hit our first training obstacle; leaving the barn.  Isabel is quite content to just stay in her barn.  She has no interest in taking that gigantic 5 inch step down.  We've been slowly working at it. My Mom and Tim came by this weekend and we spent a few hours gently teaching her to go out of the barn...and back into the barn.  She's a good baby, she doesn't get upset about a situation - I like that in a horse and we hope to train her in a way that preserves that cool calmness.

Besides, who needs to go outside when your fans come to you!

Big Brother, Storm

My Morgan gelding, Storm, has really taken Isabel under his wing.  This former stallion has found himself being very motherly to the little filly.  Maybe a little too motherly.
Poor boy was a bit confused.  And Isabel was very frustrated that the dairy bar was closed.

Saturday Isabel and I took a walk around the neighborhood and met some many cars who all had to stop and say hello to the cute little baby.  She was a pro!  Walked well and nothing bothered her.  Such a good baby.

After our stroll, I let Isabell go out in one of the fields with Storm where she got to stretch those long legs! 
All that exploring and playing makes a baby sleepy.  Storm kept watch over his little ward.

Sleepy Baby

I LOVE LOVE LOVE having the barn cam so I can keep an eye on Isabel at night.  She's a good little sleeper and there's something comforting about being able to open my eyes throughout the night (while in my own cozy bed) and see her sleeping away.  Let's face it, without the barn cam, I'd be sleeping out there... or more likely, she'd be sleeping in my bedroom.

And I can't get enough of this sleepy baby!

Monday, October 29, 2012

She's HERE!!!

I apologize that this post is days late.  I have been spending all my time with my new filly.  And who could blame me?  She's absolutely wonderful!!!!!!

Thursday, October 25 was such a loooong day waiting with incredible anticipation for the truck to arrive with my little Isabel.  Finally at 3:30pm I got the call that they were only moments away.
 Here comes Equine Express!!!
I can not explain how excited I was!  The driver, noticing me trying to climb through the window sensing my excitement, quickly opened the trailer door and I got my first glimpse of the little girl.
A very tired, little girl!
Yes, she was the only occupant in that huge trailer!  The driver said she was just the best baby; loaded well and traveled like a pro.  Miss calm, cool and collected.
We helped her down the ramp and she definitely had some sea-legs; a bit wobbly from fatigue and a long ride. 
Morgan greeted her with a gift she had painted for her.
Isabel takes her first look at her new home.
We led her up to the barn and to her awaiting stall.  I was so impressed by how well she was handling the whole situation.  You'd never know she's only 18 weeks old.  She acts like a seasoned pro.

We immediately discovered she likes to eat.  A lot.  Yes, she'll fit in just fine!
Kisses for my girl.
Morgan got busy doing Isabel's hair.
Isabel got busy eating.
I couldn't be happier with this little Filly.  Maryann did a great job with this baby and we're so blessed to have her in our family!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Starting Her Journey

On The Road...

The little girl is on a big horse van and on her way right now! 
She was a brave girl and loaded onto the horse van at 4:45pm yesterday.  The shipper has reported that she has been calm and level-headed and she rides "like a big horse".  Good girl, Isabell!

She's not so sure about this...

So I have about an hour and a half until she arrives and the nursery is ready.  I spent days trying to figure out what kind of feed to get her.  What you feed a baby will effect them the rest of their life... no pressure.  I've chatted with every feed manufacturers' rep in the country, weighing protein and sugar and lysine and vitamins.  I had my hay tested and studied up on the special needs of Friesians. 

I've driven myself crazy.

But at least I made a decision on feed and Isabell's bin is full of some delicious-smelling feed.

I can not wait to see that truck pull in!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What's A-Happenin'

Miss Isabell had her vet appointment on Monday (Oct. 15th) to have her Coggin's test pulled and to get her Health Certificate in order to travel.  Maryann reported that isabell handled it well.  Good girl!

Her weaning is also going well.  She and her brother Theo have been separated from their Moms for several days.  Isabell is eating well and being a big girl.  Arnora isn't handling it as well.  I'm hoping she finds comfort soon, poor Momma.

I've set up the barn cameras so I can keep an eye on Isabell for those few moments I'm not actually with her.

I also got a call from the shippers and they should be calling me tomorrow with a date of when they will be picking up Isabell!

I'm so excited!

Luckily Maryann has been sharing pictures of Isabell and her brother Theo to help ease the anticipation!  Seriously, how cute are these two?!
Miss Isabell is on the left, Theo is on the right

Theo is available for sale.  Click here to check the little cutie out!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Isabell's Family Tree

I haven't even met Isabell.  I can't believe I've made such a leap.  But sometimes you just have to go with your heart.

I found her on dreamhorse.com while I was casually browsing the listings and chatting on the phone with my friend Lisa.  Funny how your life can change at any moment.

"Isabell of Zeigler Farm-Born June 21, 2012, Isabell is the daughter of Zesus the Friesian, our FHANA,FPS, FHHI Stallion x Arnora, our FHHI Friesian/Arab Mare. Isabell is considered 3/4 Friesian.She should mature to at least 15 1/2 to 16 hh, have lots of mane, tail, feathering,acquire all the attributes of the Friesian and the nobility and stamina of the Arab. She is extremely friendly, intelligent and is a beautiful mover as her sire & dam."

Born on my birthday!  We're both summer solstice babies.  And I can tell you what I was doing on the day she was born; unloading trailer-loads of hay on the hottest day possible. 

Isabell gets her stunning looks from her beautiful parents, both of which are owned by Isabell's breeder, Maryann.

Isabell's handsome sire Zesus

Zesus's Parents

  Ouke 313


Miss Isabell's beautiful Mother, Black Stellar Arnora

Arnora's sire Fafnir
I have left a message with Arnora's dam's owner.  Hopefully I'll have a picture of her soon.
Needless to say, Miss Isabell comes from a long line of beautiful horses!

Where to begin?

Well, if I begin at the beginning we'll have thirty-mumble-mumble years of horse obsession to wade through.  So we'll start at more recent events.

I have always dreamed of owning a friesian horse.  This fall I decided it was time to put a big, ol' fat check mark by that item on my bucket list and I began horse shopping.  I'm pretty proud of the fact that I didn't fall in love and write a check for the first Friesian I met.

..well of course that may be because the first 'Friesian' I looked at was just a cleverly advertised Percheron.  I mean, FULL Percheron.  She may have walked by a Friesian.  Once.
The next horse I looked at was a Friesian yearling.  He was at least a real live Friesian; his stunning parents were even there to attest to it.  But there was no 'spark', no 'a-ha!' moment when I met him.  I didn't have that 'this is my horse' moment.  I did, however, have a very different moment with him.

There's nothing like getting a horse's hoof print on your thigh to drive the point home that you are not soulmates.  Not a great first impression... but a lasting one... for about 6 weeks.

Then I met a gorgeous 10 year old imported ster gelding.  Despite not being worked since April, we had a great ride.  He was stunning, tons of hair and a sweetheart personality.  His owner called me after I left and said we would be her choice for homes for her boy, despite the fact that a large Friesian barn wanted him for themselves.  But for reasons I still can't explain, I couldn't make the leap.  He seemed perfect in every way; easy-going, well trained and a gelding -everything I was looking for.  And yet, I passed.

For weeks I wondered if I had made the right choice.  And then I saw this picture...

...and knew I had.

I certainly wasn't looking for a foal!  All my own animals (and half my kids) came to me post-baby stage, and I liked that.  Also, I'm a gelding girl!  Got the membership card, t-shirt and bumper sticker.  Go geldings!

And yet my heart leaped the moment I saw Isabell's picture.  A filly!  A baby!  What?!

I spent the next few days waiting to return to my senses, but I just became more sure she was the one.  And on Sunday, September 23 I contacted her owner and said we wanted Isabell to join our family.

Let the adventure begin!